
Driving Towards Effortless Transport Management


Driven by a mission to modernize and streamline transport planning and management software, Swipload was born from the minds of Stian Vere and Thomas Bergstøl.

Situated in the charming city of Kristiansand, at the southern tip of Norway, the Norwegian technology company is paving the way to a frictionless, more connected future in transport planning and management.

How it started

Great innovations always starts with a why

Save time on redundant work with Swipload's automation. Automate project reports, contact points with carriers, and receive tracking notifications for better coordination.

Automate project reports

Extract full reports directly

Automate tracking notification

Give construction sites updates continuously

Kjerneverdi 1

Swipload integrates with your existing WMS, ERP, or other enterprise or sales systems. With our plug-and-play functionality, you can swiftly set up and optimize your logistics operations without the hassle of complex installations or hardware dependencies.


Swipload has teamed up with solid norwegian industry leading investors such as Stavanger-based DSD, the private equity firm Skagerak Capital, software company 24SevenOffice, startup incubator The Factory and major shipping player Tschudi Logistics.

Swipload – SElected Reference CUSTOMERS

Talk to Swipload Sales, Support or Administration

Book a platform Tour, order a Carrier user account or ask us any questions.